Thursday 9 June 2011

How to make money online

Money is always welcome. No matter how much we earn, our income always falls short of our expenditure. The rising cost of living and materialistic approach towards life can be attributed to this human tendency. People are continuously on the lookout of finding ways of making more money. The internet has to some extent solved this problem by opening up various options of money making. It has to offer something to everyone irrespective of their age, gender, or locality. It is possible to work online for companies which may be situated thousands of miles away from us. Every day, thousands of companies are being launched. Most of these companies have an official website. There is lot to be done online to keep the websites updated and to attract the customers. They need people to work for them online. Although, they have a salaried staff to work for them, but at times their requirements are so huge that they need extra manpower. Moreover, the payment and maintenance of in-house employees is quite high. Hence, the companies are now keener on outsourcing the jobs. They float their advertisements online to hire freelancers. These freelancers are paid per project. This works well with the employers as the cost involved here is far less than what they would have to incur if they officially employed the staff. It also serves as a good opportunity for freelancers who want to supplement their existing incomes. Freelancers are required to write articles for various websites. There is also a great demand for web designers, graphic designers, and banner makers etc. There is no paucity of work; if one wants to take up a freelancing job. There are many well-known websites which help you to obtain freelancing assignments. You can register free in these websites. There are many freelancing jobs listed here. You can choose jobs which suit your expertise best. You will have to bid on these jobs. If you are selected by the provider then you will have to complete the assignment in the given time period. The website may charge you a small commission for using its services. If the provider is happy with your work then he may hire you for further projects as well. Freelancing is a very good online tool for making money. If you have the patience and are ready to put in a few hours of hard work; then you are bound to make some good money through it. If you are ready to learn how to make money on the internet, visit our website at

Tuesday 7 June 2011

How to Begin a Career in Freelance Writing by Contel Bradford

Create Your Portfolio

No matter how skilled you are as a writer, few clients will feel comfortable hiring you without some credentials to back you up. Don't worry, acquiring the credentials you need for potential clients to take you serious is as simple as building a good portfolio. Write up a few good articles, and publish them on free content sites such as Yahoo's Associated Content, Helium, and Hub Pages. Not only are these sites great for building a portfolio, but they also receive a lot of traffic, which could draw more eyes to your work, and possibly attract some clients as well.

Start Looking for Writing Gigs

Once you have a good portfolio, it is time to go out and find yourself some freelance writing gigs. This part can be a bit intimating at first, but trust me, it is much easier than you think. So where do you go to look for gigs? Your friendly search engine of course. Remember, this is the internet - the virtual land of opportunity. A simple search for "freelance writing jobs" will yield tons of relevant results that can point you in the direction of your first gig. The most important aspect of the job seeking process is your application. In order to beat out the dozens to hundreds of potential candidates, you must be clear and concise on why you are the man (or woman) for the job.

Build Your Website

Although a portfolio on the aforementioned content publishing sites is enough to get you started, you will eventually need your own website to make an impact as a freelance writer. Trust me, this is for the best. Having your own site makes you look more credible, professional, and will cause potential clients to take you more seriously. More than likely, you will need a web hosting service provider to deliver all the tools and technology to actually create your site. This is another process in itself, but for now, I recommend going with either HostGator or LunarPages. These are two dependable companies that will take care of you and provide everything you need to create a professional website for your new freelance business.

Good Luck!

You need the skill as a writer of course, but with that intact, this is all it takes to start a career in freelancing writing. The internet and its infinite resources makes it a heck of a lot easier than in past times. So what are you waiting for? Get out there, and start building your freelance writing business!

Contel Bradford is a seasoned freelance writer, journalist, and author of multiple books, including The iPod & iTunes Handbook. Though he specializes in numerous areas, Contel truly excels in the field of technology, well versed in topics that range from cloud computing and virtualization to email marketing and digital advertising.

During his tenor, he has produced content for some of the top internet brands in their respective fields. Some of his clients include Associated Content From Yahoo!, Benchmark Email, and Digital Media Buzz to name a few